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Kids Guide to Learning the Ukulele


Hello! Hello! Meet Emily Arrow, author of Kids' Guide to Learning the Ukulele. She brings children’s books to life with the strum of her Kala ukulele named “Bow”. With her background in music education, she is revolutionizing how children connect with music and literature on her well-known YouTube channel.

The Kid-Friendly Way to Learn the Ukulele! Kids will learn about all the individual parts that make up a ukulele, and even get a chance to give their uke a name! Simple steps for little hands to get the right grip on their ukulele, from neck to soundhole. Step-by-step, kids will learn how to tune their ukulele, starting off easy with an electronic tuning device or app! Fun songs and exercises encourage kids to play around with strum directions to create different sounds and rhythms!

Kids Guide to Learning the Ukulele
