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Candlewick Gift Shop Store

Najja Tribe Necklaces


*Assorted Styles come to our shop with every order! 

*Locally Made in Deep River, Ontario.

*Our styles and selection changes always. It’s best to come in and see the selection. OR if you order online we will pick one for you as our selection changes constantly. 

So some history about the Najja Tribe…

“We call ourselves the Najja Tribe because when we started, we were helping out a family of refugees from Venezuela.

They did not speak english and my spanish was  bastante mala. 
They were Quichua natives who were threatened by the Chavez regime. 
They feared for their lives and left everything behind.
We were a little tribe sitting and beading outside at our round picnic table..
We paid them for piece work, listened to spanish music and taught them some english.
They have since moved to the US and are doing well.
Najja is an acronym for our names.
Nestor, Andrea, Janet, Jacques, Ana.”
We have been doing this since 1990.
We used to retail at festivals, fairs and malls.
We sold raw minerals, rings, bracelets, earrings and our pendants.
We have a studio where we cut, grind and drill but all the assembly is done in our home/factory.
And that’s how we came to be! 


Najja Tribe Necklaces
